
VFT Control electronics

The electronic controller VFT forms the basis of the universal and powerful VECTOR FORCE SERIES from VFT.

Developed for static testing tasks, the basic equipment of the VFT already has all the performance features that are necessary for the safe and efficient operation of a testing machine. Measuring channels and output channel to drive a test insstrument with emergency stop function are implemented for exact control of position and force.

As the basis of future systems, the VFT can be expanded with a wide range of variants and options (data aquisition of 1/5/10/25 kHz).
VFT Board
VECTORFORCE offers the AI generation of measurement and controlelectronics. The intelligent combination of proven functions, new interfaces and better compo-nents as well as the unique modularity have been equipped with components of the highest possible performance.

The VFT 1/5/10/25 controller works with almost all testing machines.

With up to eight slots from a variety of options, the controller offers the necessary modularity to solve your complex tasks.
With up to eight slots from a variety of options, the controller offers the necessary modularity to solve your complex tasks.

Repair service
We give you more insight into order related manufacturing, and we ensure transparency across the entire manufacturing structure of your VFT CONTROLLER.

So you are always up to date.

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